香港青少年服務處 Hong Kong Children & Youth Services

Discharge Support Service Community Care Fund – Pilot Scheme on Support for Elderly Persons Discharged from Public Hospitals after Treatment (NTE)

The scheme, implemented in October 2021, aims at supporting elderly persons just discharged from public hospitals who are in need of transitional care and support, by providing them with transitional community care and support and/or residential care services for normally not more than four months. (The Scheme has ceased receiving referrals of new cases with effect from 1 October 2023.)


  • To support elderly persons just discharged from public hospitals who are in need of transitional care and support, by providing them with transitional community care and support and/or residential care services; and to enable them to continue ageing-in-place in a familiar community and prevent their premature long-term institutionalisation in residential care homes for the elderly.

Target Group of Services:

  • Aged 60 or above; and with temporary loss of self-care ability due to illness, and assessed by medical staff of the Hospital Authority to be in need of transitional care and support, and not covered under the existing “Integrated Discharge Support Programme for Elderly Patients”.

Service Content:

  • Personal care
  • Housework / Shopping Service
  • Special Nursing Care
  • Counselling Service
  • Rehabilitation Exercise
  • Themeic Support Groups
  • Transitional Day Care Service
  • Meal Delivery Service
  • Transitional Residential Care Service
  • Escorting/Chaperoning
  • Carer Training and Support
  • Service Referral
  • Home Safety Assessment and Improvement Recommendations

Service Area:

  • Needy elderly persons referred by the medical staff of Prince of Wales Hospital, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, North District Hospital, Shatin Hospital and Tai Po Hospital.
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